Community Members, if you've ever wondered how to support our many local Rotary initiatives, here is a simple way. Return your beverage containers to our local Return-It Depot. See the attached instructions.
Those Rotarians who attended our last meeting received stickers to adhere to your beverage recycling bags. Thanks to everyone who has returned beverage containers to the Return-It Express Depot in Squamish. This initiative has the potential to raise significant funds for our club.
I will be bringing recycling bags and more express stickers for these bags to the next meeting.
I've attached instructions on returning your beverage containers which will put money directly back into our Rotary Club account.
Thank you for your help with this.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Kyla Paine
Squamish Rotary Club
Squamish, BC V8B 0A7